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Free Yourself

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Free Yourself Today.

This is for someone who feels less than and shunned by society because they grew up underprivileged. Someone who suffers from low self-esteem because they grew up in the shadows of others like Cinderella did and long to feel that sense of belonging. I want to tell you to stop fighting and to release yourself from trying to prove yourself to the world.

You do not have to prove anything to anyone and the more you fight is the more you will feel inadequate and unappreciated. Free yourself.

Understand that you are a child of God. As hard as it is to sometimes to identify with that one concept just believe when I tell you it is true. The mere fact that you are here speaks volume and you are here for a reason. Those feelings are distractions that needs to go in order to become who you are called to be.

You are a child of God, nothing less but the best and this constant need to prove yourself is weighing you down. It is burying you, suffocating you and causing you to shrink rather than shine.

In conclusion, once again, know that you are the light of the world set on a hill to illuminate those you are called to. Know yourself and do not rob them of your light. Free yourself, stop fighting, shine your light and illuminate the darkness in the way that only you can.

Someone is waiting on you!

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