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…and then ‘divine intervention’ happened.

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… and then ‘divine intervention’ happened.

Christine (along with her husband Andrew Walker) was pretty much given the worst news that any couple who desired children would want to receive – there were significant issues for them to get over (if that was even possible at all) in order for them to successfully have children. We telephoned Christine, who resides in Ontario Canada, so she could share her story with us – the journey that she went through as a woman who was told she needed medical intervention in order to conceive. Having tried repeatedly without success, was it just not the right time? Or, was it as the doctors said, very highly unlikely… and then ‘divine intervention’ happened.

 TBWM: Tell us about your diagnosis after trying unsuccessfully to conceive.

Christine: Medically, both Andrew and I were declared unable to conceive naturally. The doctors said that one of my tubes was completely blocked and the second tube was significantly blocked. To compound those issues, we were also told Andrew had low to no sperm count, so at this point it was a double diagnosis. If he had had any type of sperm count it would have been easier to artificially inseminate me, so the only option given was to have multiple surgeries.

TBWM: When you say multiple surgeries, what does this mean – are they trying to clear the blockage. Please explain.

Christine: It was many things, to clear the blockage, to artificially inseminate me, pills and/or injections to begin hormone treatment…what I saw was a future filled with surgical and medical intervention to help us conceive.

TBWM: Was this diagnosis from one doctor or did you seek a second opinion?

Christine: I had been to about three different medical professionals. It would not be considered a second opinion, but rather just confirming what the previous doctor’s findings were, and so the final step was for me to see the infertility doctor.

TBWM: So pretty much everybody was saying the same thing?

Christine: Yes. Having received the first diagnosis, that initial doctor sent me to do a DNC (Dilation and curettage), then he sent me to see another doctor, and that doctor sent me to a third doctor. So I saw three doctors. The last doctor proceeded to do the guide insertion to see my tubes. She did that and then told me she was recommending me to a specialist. So, the final part was for us to see the specialist and discuss hormone therapy and simply the IVF process.

TBWM: So after the diagnosis, what was the feeling between both of you? Was there denial of the situation, were you prepared to go through IVF or did you decide that maybe you’re going to be turning to God?

Christine: We were prepared to do whatever it took, these were the experts and so we were more than willing to proceed with their recommendations. We wanted children and so we were willing to do what it took to achieve this. I must say they recommended us trying the rhythm method, intercourse according to our menstrual cycle et al.

TBWM: So having tried, did anything happen?

Christine: Nothing happened and it was during that time as well that we contemplated going back to school to try and improve our lives financially but then our lives took a different turn. We both lost our jobs and so the decision was made for us. Our focus was now on school and having children took a back seat. This was between 1999/2000.

TBWM: Brianna who was your first child, what year was she born and tell me what happened differently that allowed the gift of Brianna?

Christine: Brianna was born in 2006…the change took place I believe in April of 2005 when I went back to church and really got involved in the church. Andrew followed suit and got baptized also in April. I remember one Friday night, prior to Andrew being baptized I went to a prayer meeting and one of the ladies said to me for a reason I do not remember, that I laughed the same way Sarah laughed. I remembered that specifically but I didn’t realize at the time what the Holy Spirit was doing. I also remember the Sunday evening that Andrew got baptized, one of the ladies came up to me and said, I see that you and your husband desire a child and she asked me what happened. I told her about the diagnosis from the doctors and she asked – do you believe that Jesus can heal you? I said, I believe, she then laid her hands on my stomach and said a simple prayer. That was April and by June I was pregnant but within eight weeks of that pregnancy I lost my child. I remember on my way to the hospital my sister said to me “Sophia don’t worry because you have never been pregnant before, your body just have to be
prepared for the next pregnancy”. I don’t think she realized how God was using her to provide me with the reassurance I needed then. I then started having vivid recurring dreams of Andrew and this little girl with lots of hair and he is always carrying her around and in October of the same year (2005) I woke up one morning and knew without a doubt that I was pregnant. I said it to Andrew and he laughed, I did the test and sure enough I was pregnant and I was given a beautiful gift – Brianna. Later on when Brianna started talking, she told us in a conversation that her father came for her in heaven, prompting me to remember my dreams. Aiyana my second
daughter said the same thing quite recently too, that her father came and picked her. Imagine that…

TBWM: What year was Aiyana born?

Christine: Aiyana was born in 2013 and my third child Makai was born in 2015. Do you realize all three initials together is B.A.M. (laughter)?

TBWM: Have you and Andrew gone back into the past and said “wow, look at that?”

Christine: When I give my testimony people are in awe to see how God works in the lives of ordinary people – the ladies in the church are quite amazed. I saw one of them recently, the one that said I laughed like Sarah and I showed her Makai , she was in so much awe and so is the lady that prayed for us.

TBWM: What words do you have for other women who may have a similar situation, well, your initial situation?

Christine: I tell them to trust in God. Most important is to believe that He can do and will do what you ask of Him as long as that is His will for your life. If it is a case like mine where He shows you (as in me seeing my first daughter in a dream), hold on to that because it is coming. God does not lie, so just trust him.

TBWM: On the other hand what about the women who truly are not supposed to have children,what would you say to them?

Christine: He has another plan; a bigger plan and a better plan. If it is not for you to have children, then just trust that there is still a plan for your life and one that will amaze you when it unfolds. He may use you in another way that is totally unexpected. Perhaps you may want to consider adoption; there is a lady who says she is the mother to the motherless. We just have to trust that God has the best plan for our lives.

TBWM: What fun things do you like to do with your family?

Christine: We spend a lot of time together, we travel, and we have family dates. I also like going to all the activities they are involved in – swimming, dancing and gymnastics. They are all learning to swim, including Makai who will eventually get involved in other.

TBWM: Share with us what you do.

Christine: I am an obstetrical nurse which means I help to deliver babies. I also work with an organization that assists in providing healthcare service to the community, so I do a lot of work in the field – meaning I visit with patients outside of the hospital where I work. My jobs are demanding but I absolutely love what I do.

TBWM: How do you harmonize yourself?

Christine: I started yoga and I do a bit of exercise. I also have girlfriend dates to unwind as  often as I can…

TBWM: What is your favorite color and why?

Christine: I adore Pink; there are so many different shades of pink that look absolutely lovely on me.

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