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Hey Ladies, A New Year Message For You!

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TheBeyondWoman takes this opportunity to wish all of our women and their family a wonderful New Year that will bring with it numerous opportunities to get closer to your personal ideal of who you are and what your life can look like.

In the same breath we give thanks for the opportunity to even send this greeting and also give thanks for you who are reading as it means we are above ground unlike many who have transitioned and are no longer with us.

As we reflect on that last note, I will borrow a section of my editors note for our upcoming magazine issue…”recognize the importance of living fully and exceptionally in each moment as God would have us. At the end of the day our efforts on our own will get us so far but with God on our side we will go further. He is the one who has equipped us to be the great women of valor that we must become! It brings to mind a passage of scripture found in Psalm 90:12 that reads “Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well!” I believe that is the key for us to live as God says we must.

And we must… there is time and there is no time better than today to begin (again)/continue.

Here are few tips (in no particular order) that we hope will help as you continue into not only a new year but most importantly a new decade.

  • Forget about the past and declare your future to be one that will give to you all that you work for.
  • Be kind – what you give will come back to you.
  • Write down your ideal life – do not take for granted journaling or simply recording the things that you want to achieve. Commit it to God while still working towards making it a reality. Be open-minded too He may have something even better than what you imagined for yourself.
  • Be aware of the type of energy around you, be the right energy yourself.
  • Remain committed to excellence and persevere – do all that you do 100%.
  • Love this one – check on yourself as much as you do your phone.
  • Do a swot analysis on yourself – you will discover the things about you that needs work as well as be able to build on your strength.
  • Create meaningful network – think about what you need in a friend or associate and create that. For e.g. a friend of mine moved to a new country and wanted to find like-minded women so she created a book-club which become so much more.
  • Think about consequences before making decisions – look at the big picture – it just might help
  • Place God at the helm of your life, think WWJD (what would Jesus do) and just rest in His wisdom and guidance and believe all will be well.

We look forward to continuing in service to you and your continued support as we tell stories of women who have risen above the things that usually keep us down. If you want to hear or see something different please send us a message at

Cheers to a New Year & Decade of being courageous and taking hold of all that is already in our grasp with God at the fore.

Look out for our newest issue soon to be in stores. In the meantime subscribe and receive our online copies at only US$3.99

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