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Founder’s Message – Rise Above Petty

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By this time you ought to be teachers yourselves, yet here I find you need someone to sit down with you and go over the basics on God again, starting from square one – baby’s milk, when you should have been on solid food long ago!” Hebrews 5:12 MSG.

I would love for us to be at a place where only positive thoughts and ideas are advanced; but I find that occasionally our posture needs reinforcement. It is unfortunate that although knowing better we will revisit situations that causes our thinking to revert to that place which keeps us stuck. Are you this woman? It took me a while to change so I understand. However there has to be a point where we must put certain thoughts, people and situations behind us and rise to a higher level of ourselves. Where we no longer visit negative situations. Instead we push ourselves beyond the thoughts that keep us in the elementary zone where there is no growth. It is time to rise above petty.

This year’s challenge to all our women is to reinforce or discover and dwell in the fact that we are much more. It is not a question – it is just what it is!
We are – More than the challenges and inadequacies we feel deep down no matter how we try to stomp them out of our lives.
We are more than individuals who will hold us back because they see our potential before we see it for ourselves.
More than those who pretend to support but are really not with us.    More than our parents who we feel failed us… (Get over it big girl).
More than the bosses who want to nullify our abilities, capabilities and our self-respect.

and I could go on and on…

Recognize all of the above for what they are: Petty simple things that we are bigger and better than! Petty ideas that are not worth a minute of our attention!
This year, walk away from and not only walk away but elevate yourself above the petty distractions which is what they really are!

Do you believe in the devil, some of us believe it’s a fairy tale… and guess what, all of us are entitled to what we will believe. Just skip over this part if you are not into the fairy tale; but for those of us who do believe, understand that as far as he is concerned we must not succeed! And so he uses petty to keep us down! Petty things that annoy us, petty things that hurt our ego and pride; resulting in us reacting in a way that keeps us below excellence and greatness.

Rise above the petty, walk away. It’s hard but a well needed lesson that I had to learn well. So many fights I wanted to win. Wanting to prove that I am more; until I realized that people will always see what they want to, no matter how hard you try to prove different. I had to learn that most battles are not worth the fight and be comfortable with Jackie and accept Jackie. I had to love Jackie, the good and bad parts of her. I had to love the ugly and the pretty parts. There were mistakes I had to own but I also got to relish the good decisions and accept my wins and losses. In the process I learned something so much more valuable. That who is to be with me will be with me and nothing can change that. I had to give process a chance, believing that I have everything and everyone that I need. I redirected my energy to what was important and here I am.

Every day I am bombarded via email with people who want to make my social media life more rewarding by giving me more likes, the symbol of acceptance on social media. I don’t need that kind of reward or fluff or acceptance. Whats that buzz word again? Inorganic! Translated – without life, not real. Why surround myself with more of what I’m trying to rid myself of.

This year I want our lives to be on a path of realness. A path where we wisely choose our battles and the type of energy that is worthy to infuse itself with ours. Where what we do in our respective roles really add authentic value to those we serve and nothing else. A path that allows us to rise above petty…simple straight talk.

I am encouraging all our focus to be on moving from petty to establishing a realness and soundness in our affairs.

Work on you. You will need to. It doesn’t come naturally but once you take the first step that’s the success and it only gets better from there.

Years ago when I was in investment banking, there was a sudden influx of pyramid schemes popping up. Investors were moving their money into so called high interest yielding products. As an Investment expert I recognized from the onset that the ability to continuously pay such high rates were not sustainable. I knew that soon the “bottom would drop out” as we would say in Jamaica. The reality was that a lot of individuals, (my clients) would be facing financial problems. The result – people were locked up, individuals committed suicides, homes were lost etc. I share that to say when things are not real they do not last. I also learned from Financial powerhouse JMMB (Jamaican Investment Company) “stick to your foundation, who you are, what makes you unique and different – keep that focus” and you will succeed! Look at JMMB’S growth today… their foundation is LOVE and that has never changed. Invest in the real you and you will be okay.

What does that have to do with rising above petty… when you strive to RISE ABOVE PETTY, EVENTUALLY THE REAL YOU EMERGES!

A lot to take in but a needed “take in” because I assure you, it is time for us to move beyond the elementary ideas and thoughts. It is time for us to start talking about bigger and better ideas as we continue into 2020 and a new decade. No more being stuck!

Rise Above Petty Sisters!  

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Maxine Wilson

    Real and timely message!

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