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The world is not to be put in order; the world is order, incarnate. It is for us to harmonize with this order.

Henry Miller

“But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?”

Albert Camus

What makes you feel good…. music, hanging out with friends, spending time with nature? Maybe it is something as powerful and life changing as prayer. Whatever it is, do it; you must ensure that you carve out a special time to do that special thing. This special thing will JUMP START the needed harmony in your life and in your situation.

I believe balance is so over-rated, and if you really thought about it far-fetched.

We are always trying to balance life; I have come to realize every little nuance or thing that we will encounter is for us to encounter. Balance suggests that everything in life has an equal value and we know that is not the case. Balance forces us to eliminate some aspects of our lives, when we realize we will not get to every aspect of our life, as we try to find that middle ground. The result – a cry from our women especially mothers, “I fail at striking a balance.”

I suggest that instead of balance we should find the harmony that allows us to accept everything in life; and LIVE through it, unless it is something we need to change.

Harmonize, Harmonize and Harmonize some more!

The idea of seeking harmony rather than striving to create balance is definitely not a novel idea. As I went in search of a definition that echoes my sentiments, I found this“… Life is full of challenges and we face them every day in our marriages, our friendships and in our professional lives. 

Learning to work through these challenges and not letting them overwhelm you by accepting and understanding them and by working through them and eventually embracing them, you can have a more fulfilling life.  At the same time, embracing the good things that come to you in life and taking advantage of these moments will make life that much more enjoyable.” Read more here

This sums up harmony, it is giving yourself the grace to touch every aspect of your life (knowing how necessary each is) in your own way and time.

Make harmony the order of the day. As women we find ourselves with so much on our plates. How do we balance all that we have to do especially if we are soccer moms who have a full time job…?
(She who knows it feels it – Take it from someone who knows)

This week seek to harmonize, allow yourself to not be obligated to place equal value or weighting on each aspect of your life. But, to freely understand that everything in your life deserves your attention and will get your attention but in a way that allows you to live free.

At the end of the day accepting all that we have to do  will undoubtedly allow us to see things clearer, then move towards the harmony that our situations require.

Here are some keys to a life that’s in harmony by Dr. Ivan Misner from his blog

  • Be Here Now.
  • Set time aside for the things that really matter.
  • Find ways to integrate different parts of your life.
  • When you’re 70 years old, you’re not going to wish you spent more time at the office.

“As we open ourselves to harmony, we will see how easier life becomes”

– TheBeyondwoman

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