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The Miracle Is To Enjoy Everyday, Now, Not Tomorrow.

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Stop waiting on a special occasion. Begin to Love and celebrate you first then everything will fall into place

You have heard it before I am sure – Do not wait on special occasions to enjoy life, do not wait on having a particular sum in the bank to enjoy life, do not wait on the right time because really what is the right time and when is the right time.
Is it possible we do not seek to enjoy life because we do not feel we deserve to?

I was watching a show recently on Netflix where a character was finding it hard to control her emotions which influenced her power. She was hurting everyone including those she supposedly loved.  She was confused and having a hard time until she was told that she first had to love herself then everything will fall in place.

Seems like I’m talking about two different things here?

Enjoying life begins with you and how you feel about you.

Take care of you, find time to celebrate you, accept your now even though it might not be your ideal now and most importantly, love you.
Once you begin to love and celebrate you, everything will fall in place. Areas that felt inadequate become sufficient. Changed perspective will be the order of the day.  Your posture will be one of acceptance and inclusion. Love that changes everything becomes your new normal and…

Life will be as it should.

The Miracle is to enjoy every day, now, not tomorrow.
It is indeed a miracle when you realize the fullness of who you are.

Oprah Winfrey

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Timely reminder! We are so busy going after our goals at times that we need to be intentional about pausing in the moment and enjoying what is before us!

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