Only Good Lies Ahead

Only Good Lies Ahead! It Makes Sense To Focus On That Thought

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What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.
Henry David Thoreau

Only Good Lies Ahead! It Makes Sense To Focus On That Thought

The milestones we have achieved during 2020 great or small are to be celebrated because they form a part of our big picture. Sometimes we are not patient and we hope for everything to be done in a “now” state so we can see the immediate results and gain much needed encouragement to keep pushing and keep reaching for our goals; however Beyondwomen, I have learnt that the best results happens over time. Take for eg when we try to shed a few pounds. Do we work out for an hour then instantly lose the weight we set out to lose? Or do we see little changes gradually that inspires us to keep working out to get better results?

2020 has ended and we now are in the new year, take a quiet moment to reflect on the past year. You may have made some drastic life changes or some simple ones. Either way, both has or is still in the process of yielding results. Reflect and take notes. What did you intend to do in 2020? How far are you along that journey? Even if you have only taken one tiny step, please celebrate your tiny step. Why? By taking that single step – hallelujah – it means the days of procrastination are over. It means you have grown and let us just cheer that victory. Let us see ourselves as we must – women who are moving intentionally and living the wholesome life we each envision for ourselves. 

Let us make 2021 a year we continue to challenge ourselves, to defy the odds. Kim, a cousin of mine, always reminds me “only good things lies ahead!” And this is how I would want all of us as Beyondwomen to step into 2021; setting personal goals, family goals and business goals. And instead of delaying or fearing the outcome, we move, always keeping in mind that “only good lies ahead!”

So if you closed out the year in deep reflection, skip this step, but if not I encourage you to take the time and reflect on the tiny steps that you have taken and know that the results will be heading your way in the coming months.

2020 was a challenging year but also one that taught us where we must put most of our effort. It’s into being happy with who we are, seriously loving what we do, identifying our must do’s once the pandemic is behind us (we pray); and most importantly giving attention to those who are important to us; an awareness that was enhanced as our interactions became limited to our immediate family. A good in itself as we were able to spend time with our loved ones while being forced to remain at home.

We were able to be present with everyone, well at least that was my experience. We learnt more about our children, husbands and other family members as we navigated the pandemic, we also had to find things to keep us sane haha. Most of all 2020 allowed us to see the importance of self care and ensuring that we did the necessaries to keep ourselves healthy and beautiful.

So as I close here is what I suggest we all do, how about we list 6 things we all want to accomplish for 2021 – simple enough? Take SIMPLE BUT CONSISTENT STEPS to realize each. Find an accountability partner then every quarter, do an assessment and keep each other accountable.

Let’s go ladies. We can win, we were born to win and while we are winning, just keep in mind that … only good lies ahead!

“Why does it matter that you put off your goals for next week? Because next week may not come.”
― Rebecca K. Sampson,

Written by Donna Hunter, one of our writers for TheBeyondWoman Magazine. Donna is a wife, mother, career woman,serial entrepreneur, nature lover especially gardening and travelling and so much more. She is on a quest to inspire us through her experiences with nature which she believes is where our peace and joy resides.


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