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FINDING MY Ride or Die

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Written by Curline Adassa

Dear Diary,

I have so much to give to the world. In fact, giving my gift is like food for me. It feels like such a lonely road at times though. Where are my partners in believing, my sister-friends, my ride or die girls? Where is my “master mind” group who “coordinate knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony for the attainment of a specific purpose” as Napoleon Hill referenced?

I desire and deserve sister-friends to share in my journey. Women who are attentive to me and my interests. Ones who support me along my path (whether it is similar to theirs or not). I long to openly share my dreams (both ones that occur in the sleep time and those which are goal-oriented) without fear of judgement or ridicule. The partners I desire and deserve are totally open and honest with me. They listen to and hear my soul speak because our connection is that which occurs on the level of the soul.

The sister-friends I am seeking are open to my assistance and accept it willingly. They value me and my gifts and know that they can benefit from it even though it is different from theirs. My partners in believing are always happy to hear from and or see me. I am freely interacting with them, loving, and supporting them the way they deserve to be loved and supported.

Looking at the laws governing the universe, specifically the law of attraction; if we get what we put out, if we attract who and what we are; then tell me for heaven’s sake Diary, why do I keep attracting selfish people? I am giving sometimes even when it hurts to give, so why am I not attracting givers? What is this saying about me, if there is more happiness in giving why am I not happy?

Is the Law of Polarity (which states that everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree) more active in the relationship sector of my life? If this is so, why is this?

Yes, I do understand that the people in my life all serve as teachers and if I look close enough I may at times see the same “flaws” or “issues” within myself. At these times I go in and address the issue instead of pointing a finger. I also remember being taught (by A Course in Miracles) to look at every expression (verbal or otherwise) as either an expression of love or a call for love, however unskillful it may appear.

This reminder helps me in being able to practice forgiveness which frees me and allows me to move forward. Oh my goodness, Diary, I just got it! That’s why I love talking to you. To attract and have the sister-friends, the partners-in-believing I desire, I am to:

  • First be that “ride or die”, non-judgmental supportive girl myself.
  • Use the law of polarity to my advantage by focusing on what I would love as opposed to moaning about the opposite.
  • Be bold and discerning enough to remove from my inner circle the ones who are more aligned with tearing down rather than building, in other words…those not aligned with my divine purpose.

Thank you Diary,

My goal is to make sure that I AM HER as I put the above points into practice and also focus on Proverbs 17:17 which says: “A true friend shows love all the time and  a brother (in our case sister)  is born for times of distress”.

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