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Not Being At Odds

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One of my simple sayings is ‘If I live in the past, I have no need for the future’. Well my dears another year has come and gone in my life and I am now, well you guess, I am a year older…lol..

The truth is, I do see that I am ageing. Ageing is a fear held by most people and I must admit that since its definitely a new territory for everyone I can understand the fear. While youth is wasted on the young there is none to spare for us older folks. Youth has gone and life for most of us should be becoming much simpler. Hopefully we would have by now figured out what we really want and how to get it. We should by now, know what makes us happy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I know ‘Easy to say and hard to do’.

Well guess what? For most of us we have lived most of our lives already. Hmm, we are not guaranteed another number of years greater or equal to the amount lived. Morbid isn’t it? Don’t worry about that though. Live each day as if your really appreciate the gift from God, laugh at your own jokes, dance like no one is watching, treat yourself and others well, keep positive friends, embrace the future and love whomever you wish to love..

My life is not perfect, well not in the least, but I can tell you I am happy. Yeah I have bought all the facial creams to help with the lines on my face, have attempted to exercise (hate it), promised myself to eat better (but me love food too much) and all the other things to do with the physical. Spiritually, I am enjoying my relationship with God and loving it. Financially is always a work in progress for me and I am ok with that as it keeps me grounded and more dependent on God.. My personality however is not changing, I am still straightforward, frank, dependable, serious and….if you know me you can fill in the rest. I am having so much fun being a parent and wished that all who would have wanted to be one that it would have been so. It is indeed one of the greatest gift from God.

This time in my life I am not feeling ‘at odds’. I feel balanced, wondering if it has anything to do with the age I am at. Whatever it is, I am just loving it.

Reposted with permission from – written by Camry Cane

Join Founder Of TheBeyondWoman Jacqueline as she presents a session on 5 Days to Turn Your Life Around – Secrets to living an extra-ordinary life.

In a world that does not foster authenticity but instead throws us a script on how to do life, many are meandering through life. The reason you are meandering is because you are made for more. There is something within that does not align to your current experiences which causes you to constantly search for this “more”. If you have no clue what “more” entails, how can you find it?

And so we spend a good portion of our life hoping that life will become what we feel it to be on the inside of us.

This was me, maybe it is you

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