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5 Weapons To Make Every Woman Big, Bad and Bold

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“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”_

Proverbs 31:25.

I was out of it and unable to write inspiring articles because quite frankly, I was far from inspired. It was at my deepest, darkest time that a fickle spark ignited my soul and the Lord spoke to me.
I could almost see his anguished face as he stared at me helpless on the floor. I had forgotten

What a pity, a mighty woman of God sits defeated.

Me? Mighty? I was reminded of the weapons in my possession; weapons that make demons tremble and evil spirits flee and weapons that are given to those who are called according to His purpose; weapons that are free for those who love and follow the Lord. Then I answered my own foolish questions. Me? A chosen woman of God. Mighty? A mighty woman of God! With a glint of hope, I could finally see beyond my tears and my broken heart.

As women, we are sometimes stuck in old fairy tales that glorify a knight in shining armour as our saviour. Our characters are reduced to feeble beings in need of deliverance. Today, I wish to remind you that you are clothed in strength and dignity. You are big, bad, and bold. Use these 5 weapons to fight all of your battles. The good news is, not only do you have access to them, you already have them.

1. Praise

There is something so beautifully raw about praise in the midst of warfare. It changes the atmosphere by inviting God’s presence. It shifts our perspective to our source of help thus causing us to focus on God instead of our situation. Praise lifts our eyes from the battle to the victory.
Praise is a weapon of faith!
We see praise in action in the battle of Jericho when instruments and shouts overcame the enemy. Start that playlist and sing along. The greatest thing about praise is that you may start doing it for your own circumstance but people nearby will experience its power. While Paul and Silas praised, an earthquake shook the prison opening doors and causing chains to fall from all the prisoners. They were all set free!

2. Dance

There are times when we can’t speak. Our hearts feel everything that we cannot express. Get up and dance! Miriam led the Israelite women in dance after they crossed the Red Sea. With fear and anxiety, they had approached the impassable sea steps ahead of the wicked Egyptians. What a miracle to cross parted waters and escape thine enemies! That’s a great reason to get up and dance in thanksgiving. Like David, our dance should be an unreserved, expressive celebration. Don’t be anxious, instead dance as unto the Lord for what he has done, is doing, and will do.

3. Lifted hands

Though this posture makes you look vulnerable, it is actually a sign of surrender to God. It is an intentional act of freeing ourselves from the busyness of life and giving Him our all. It’s really getting ready for battle. Much like the Israelites whose fate rested on the lifted hands of Moses, so do we need lifted hands to the Lord to combat many of our battles. Agree with the Psalmist and declare, “I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name, I will lift up my hands.”– Psalm 63:4.

4. The Word of God

Sing the Word, Speak the Word, Pray the Word are some of the best advice I received. Likened to the sword of the Spirit, the Word soothes, convicts, promises, covers, delivers, and moves you. When the enemy comes in like a flood, use the Word. Fearlessly draw for scriptures that will stand on their own. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”– Hebrews 4:12.

5. Your Testimony

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…“- Revelations 12:11. Your testimony is a powerful weapon as it eradicates secrets, gives hope, and declares the awesomeness of God. It is your evidence against the enemy’s accusations. We often hear that if we cannot speak about something then we have not grown from it. The enemy uses shame to silence people who would have otherwise been effective when they share about the power and saving grace of God. Yes, it may be embarrassing to you but your testimony is really not about you. Speak up and encourage each other. Use this weapon of victory.

On the surface, these acts seem carnal however they are of no good use if they are not done through God and unto God. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds…”- 2 Corinthians 10:4. Use these weapons to move beyond the things that will hold you back. You are clothed in strength and dignity, you have all you need. You are big, bad, and bold!

Join Founder Of TheBeyondWoman Jacqueline as she presents a session on 5 Days to Turn Your Life Around – Secrets to living an extra-ordinary life.

In a world that does not foster authenticity but instead throws us a script on how to do life, many are meandering through life. The reason you are meandering is because you are made for more. There is something within that does not align to your current experiences which causes you to constantly search for this “more”. If you have no clue what “more” entails, how can you find it?

And so we spend a good portion of our life hoping that life will become what we feel it to be on the inside of us.

This was me, maybe it is you

Would you like to hear how I found more? CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT HOW

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Joan lewis

    Very uplifting!Thnaks for sharing.

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