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If God is for you, who can be against you?

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One of my favorite verses in the Bible is found in the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 31 which says, “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

I do not know about you, but this is a verse that renews my spirit whenever I read it. It evokes a sense of boldness within me that allows me to hold up my head even in dire straits. This is my message and encouragement to all women to adopt a BOLD stance as they journey onwards.

We can no longer go around feeling sorry for ourselves but with a renewed mind and spirit through Christ, we can begin to forge a path into new territories like Joshua and Caleb, taking hold of what is already ours.

If we align our thinking to our reality—God’s charge, to journey through life being bold with faith, the impossible will become possible. Also, no matter what, one has to find their intrinsic/unique calling and once again move to it in faith and boldly follow their dreams and do so with excellence.

I want to share with you TheBeyondWoman’s meaning of this powerful word BOLD. I hope it will ignite a fire within you to go in pursuit of your Godly mandate, which in turn will make you the best woman you can be.

BBeautifully, wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God, your Father. This means that nothing is lacking in you—and that knowledge will cause urgency in your steps daily, resulting in overwhelmingly significant days. 

OOpen yourself to others. Already you possess an amazing capacity to realize this. Your inclusivity will bring meaning to the lives of God’s chosen, and you will contribute to the permanent change in how they interact with life itself. Thus, making a better life for you and others with whom you come in contact.

LLove unconditionally and without reservation. This is the substance of your love, one that touches each individual that you meet and causes a lasting impression that opens their heart to giving the same kind of unconditional love to others resulting in a changed world.

DDare to believe in Yourself and the limitless potential that you have with God on your side.

My personal encouragement to you as we continue through this unprecedented time—be BOLD in every pursuit in your life. Remember that “If God is for you, who can be against you?” 

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