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5 Businesses To Start For Under $500

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If you have ever been on the fence about starting a business, now is the time to jump off and make the decision.

The world has changed, and the rules that governed how we operated have also changed. These changes have resulted in persons losing their jobs, and they must now find ways to replace the lost income. If we delayed accepting the virtual space, we are now forced to. This time of change presents a huge opportunity to start a business and cost-effectively too that cannot leave you sitting on the fence. Well, it shouldn’t if you are smart.

And so, now more than ever, we cannot ignore our skills and talents but instead must find ways to nurture those skills and talents and make them work in our favor. We may be surprised how those skills and talents can become multifaceted.

For example, if you are passionate about writing, consider these EIGHT different ways to make money.

  • Sell Social Media Content
  • Write your book
  • Contribute articles and get paid.
  • Teach a course on writing
  • Copywriting for others
  • Start a blog and monetize it
  • Ghostwriting
  • Create brand stories for individuals, and or organisations.

Are you a visionary? If you are, then 75% of the challenges are handled.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist or the brightest of the bright; I believe ambition and a desire supported by a plan can get you started.

Jack Ma, who started Alibaba, one of the biggest e-commerce marketplaces that now exist, did not have the necessary expertise to begin. What he had was the vision and the smarts to invest in intellectual capabilities & skills. In other words, he surrounded himself with individuals who had the knowledge and know-how. According to Jack Ma— “It’s easier to win if you have people seeing things from different perspectives.” He is a leader and a visionary and having a similar skillset will take you through to success.

Here Are The 5 for under $500: Keep in mind YOUR TALENTS & YOUR SKILLS.

Drop-shipping – Not new on the scene, but more relevant and lucrative now that the world is a global marketplace. If you have the skills to buy, then this may be your way out. Think about what you would like to sell, do the research online and find suppliers who offer drop shipping, and you will be on your way. You will need a website, consider BigCommerce|Shopify|Wix, and others that are compatible with drop shipping. Setting up a website with drop shipping capabilities will incur startup costs. If you are unfamiliar with setting up a website which, believe it or not, is pretty simple; then, you may have to get a developer. No worries, think Fiverr or Up work to provide this service. There are also platforms such as TurnKeyMaster that offer a ready-made drop shipping website for you along with products to choose from. All that is required is for you to pay, and you are on your way. Please do your research because not everything online is legitimate.

Do you have a story that will benefit others? – Then write it. Get an experienced editor who will make your story come alive. Do not skip this step. There are many poorly written books on sale, do not add to the list. Next, connect with a book publisher who will get your book published on different platforms. Amazon must be considered in the process as Amazon offers authors additional ways to increase earnings apart from book sales. When book publishing, along with your effort, is done right, you can have a best seller on your hand.

Teach others what you know – Start an Online Academy, but only if you are a subject matter expert. Register your business, then set up a website where your clients can access the teachings under one roof. Use Zoom, Canva, or record the video on your smartphone, then upload it to Vimeo or Youtube. Once done, filter the uploaded teachings through your website, and remember to monetise. Trust that it is as simple as it sounds.

Are you creative? – Then consider repurposing old furniture or even engaging in DIY projects or both that can be re-sold. Check out @omabellehomedecor on Instagram for DIY projects and ideas to get started. When repurposing old furniture, look for unusual and classic pieces that are attention grabbers. Use Pinterest as a guide, and for ideas. Start small and build as you go along. Do incorporate a website to showcase your creations. Check out BigCommerce or other e-commerce platforms to list your re-creations for sale if you do not want the hassle of creating a website. There may be a small fee, so keep that in mind.

Bearer-Service – This is one for today’s needs if you can establish credibility. Start with the people you know, perhaps within your community. Think about the elderly who may need assistance with grocery shopping or prescription filling. Offer a pickup and delivery service to the restaurants within your community. Establish trust, and you will be on your way.

There are many other ways to start a business or several businesses and be on your way to increasing your earnings and your wealth. Identify a gap that needs to be filled and while doing that choose what connects with you and makes the most sense. Do the research, and start today. No delay. More importantly, do not limit your dreams, learn how to be organized and efficient, put systems in place, and allow your businesses to take off and work for you.

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