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4 ways to get motivated and in motion

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Let’s face it; the pandemic continues to take a toll on many of us. Some are still wondering if things will ever be the same again, and others have already accepted it will not be. And with so many things going on now, who has time to focus on dreams and goals, right? Well, I aim to reenergize and motivate, us—who are close to going with the flow—to continue to press forward. The truth—human beings have been the most adaptable species ever known to the universe, and if there is one thing we know how to do as humans—it is to go with the times and while making the best of the times, do our best.

So, let us grease those wheels, dust off those thinking caps, draw for those business plans and books of ideas and get back on track.

Here are four tips to get motivated and get back in motion:

Tip 1: Create a routine that works!
We hear about the diet routines, exercise routines, and, do I hear you saying, ‘oh dear God, not one more!’ Routines are popular because THEY WORK. It’s human nature to follow a specific way of doing things, and without noticing or being aware, you and your mind are trained to follow the particular routine. So, just as you would train your body, you can also train your mind towards a project and other activities you have recently put on the shelf since Covid by having a routine. There are numerous ted talks and other programs that can help you in-depth with creating a routine, but the most important thing to do is start NOW. The second most important thing to do is KEEP GOING. Even when it seems arduous or monotonous, when you see those tasks getting done, you will see it was all worth it. Ps. Take your time, and do what works for you; it is not a one size fits all kind of deal.

Tip 2: Create incentives! Treat thyself, woman!
Nobody works because they love it, even if you love it. We work to receive something at the end of the month, or week, or a day or by project, etc. We work to get the reward, and likewise, when you set a goal and accomplish it, give yourself an incentive. Treat yourself and take care of yourself, whether it is a new bag, shoes, or an outing, something that tells your body and mind that they can look forward to something after all the hard work. When you reward yourself continuously, you eventually become self-motivated. And motivated workers work best.


Tip 3: Listen to motivation!
It sounds simple, but it is very effective. Scientific proof is available that demonstrates that what you listen to first thing in the morning influences your mood and mindset during the day. Instead of jumping on social media the first thing as you get up or viewing depressing news about Covid and crime, put in those air pods, turn on that motivational audio, and soak in the good feels. Listening to daily motivation will add extra pep to your step and improve your mood and work ethic throughout the day. There are hundreds of motivational audios on YouTube that range from one minute long to 24 hours. Choose and cruise through your day.

Tip 4: Check your friend circle and ensure it includes success that will rub off on you.
One of the ways to stay motivated is to check on what those you admire are doing. Not creepily or jealously, but in a way that sets a bar of attainment that you aspire to. Others succeeding in a field you are aiming for should ignite a fire within you to do more. You cannot climb higher if all your friends are on the same level as you, you must connect with people in the higher-level spaces you are trying to get to; they can reach a hand down and pull you up as you start your climb. Get motivated by your friend circle, mentors, or role models around you. It takes one lit match to set a place on fire.

We Hope these 4 WAYS TO GET MOTIVATED AND IN MOTION will be what you need to keep going and end this year strong while starting next year on a high.

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