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It is time to Come Up: Brain Work to Improve Life

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Written by Stacy-Ann Smith (TBWM Writer)

Do you know that what/how we think changes the very makeup of our brains?

Thoughts are automatic and many times instantaneous. They create thinking patterns in our brain that can be coded into our DNA. These thinking patterns are influenced by life experience, cultural norms, religious beliefs, traumas, and much more.  Automatic thoughts (as cognitive behavior psychologists call them) occur in all humans. Whether we are asleep or awake our brain is constantly processing and sorting thoughts

Research by neuropsychologists has shown that as a thought occurs in our mind, it develops what is called a neural pathway. Each time we repeat that thought, the pathway becomes ingrained, so to speak. Like pathways we jog or walk on frequently, the route or “thought” cements in our minds and can influence our mood, our health, and our worldview.

So, if you have a thought, “I will never overcome what I am going through.” Or, “starting a business is too hard and I may fail”, this thought can create a sort of pathway in your brain. And each time you repeat that thought it becomes a more permanent part of your neural process.

Additionally, our thoughts have the capability to affect not only our mood, but also our ability to learn effectively, alter our circumstances, improve memory and creativity, and influence our reactions to external factors like stress and loss.

However, it does not have to be a forever state of mind. Science shows that mindsets can be altered. Though automatic and frequent, our thoughts, if controlled can redirect our lives significantly. Therefore, though circumstances, both favourable and unfavourable and, many times, outside of control occur, when we replace negative thoughts with healthy thoughts our brain will grow differently, and we can respond differently. And as we master our thought life we not only rewire our brain we can change outcomes.

Neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf further explains this point. She states “As we consciously direct our thinking, we can wire out toxic patterns of thinking.”  She goes on to say, “each time a thought tries to dominate [our] conscious mind [we] can do something about it.”

When you have a negative thought, scientists have found that your brain begins to shift the body’s focus from being able to process and have productive thoughts and focus on the negative thoughts to protect your body from them. So when the scriptures say to be anxious for nothing[1] it is also a warning against allowing our bodies to wreak havoc on our productivity and emotional health. It is a charge to trust God to guide and to help us live thriving, healthy, productive lives. ( [1] Phil. 4:6 )

Those of us who have been fed low expectations from our family of origin, toxic friendships, failed relationships, abusive partners, those lies said to you and that you have said about yourselves do not have to dominate your minds. They can be changed. You can have a mental makeover and come up and out.

This is exactly what we see when the scriptures call us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Brain science is catching on to show, our whole lives can be directly altered if we do the mental work. None of this is instantaneous. All of it takes effort. It is retraining the brain.

Here are a few steps to help this process.


Identify your thoughts.

There are a variety of ways to do this. It could be sitting still with your feelings and identifying the source of them. Was it something done to you, said to you, or about you? Identify thoughts you get from a negative experience, or a dream deferred. Become aware of all the different ways your mind is affected by external stimuli. What are your senses picking up on and sending to your brain that create thoughts? Your thoughts are connected to feelings causing you to experience varying emotions. This step is a way to create self-awareness.

Step 2.

Pick one

There may be dozens of faulty thinking patterns you identify, but like unraveling Christmas lights you must select one and start there. There is no need to worry about selecting the right one. You can do this process several times.

Step 3.


Dr. Carline Leaf summarizes this as “deep, intellectual, disciplined thinking with attention regulation, thinking, body awareness, emotional regulation and a sense of self.” This is quite different from rumination, which is dwelling on an issue and mulling it over and over in your mind causing frustration, anxiety, and sometimes depression.

Reflection is being present with feelings and thoughts and taking a thought structure that is malleable because it is at the “front of your mind” and replacing it with another.  Meditate on truth and be mindful of how your body responds. Meditation and mindfulness, though espoused as Eastern tradition, is, as a biblical principle, elevated above emptying of the mind and awareness of breath, the senses, and other earthly elements..

Step 4.


More than journaling, it is brain and mind take-over. Line up your thoughts with truth.  Is it true, praiseworthy, or pure?

Our body actually responds to negative thoughts as to a drug. It comes to our mind more frequently releasing heightened emotions, or the ‘high’. The sudden drop afterward in effect causes pain. When we take the thought captive and write down truth in its place we are able to change this negative brain addiction and detox our minds. How this works will be different for each person. I have found having notes on your phone, on your mirror, even as alerts can all help.

Step 5


Different researchers have different time spans for how long a practice becomes a habit- twenty-one days or even sixty-six days. The reality is whichever amount of days you choose you must be consistent and disciplined. I highly recommend Dr. Caroline Leaf’s method as written about in her book. It has helped persons overcome many emotional challenges, learning deficiencies, and more.

It is important to take charge of your thoughts to shape a different future for yourself. “The thoughts we chose to think are the tools we use to paint the canvas of our lives.” -Louise Hay

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