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A Change / A New Beginning

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Who said you couldn’t start over, who thinks they cannot start over? Is disappointment getting the best of you?

Here is the truth, at times we are given a red light indicating that we need to stop and then the green light to move again. Well July 31 was your red light and now August 1st is your green light – to move again.

Here at TheBeyondWoman, we want to share with you 5 ways to start all over and make August your best month to date.

Understand that starting over is not a death sentence or an admittance to failure. It really is you being smart enough to acknowledge and understand that you are human and in order for something to serve others, it requires us to go through a bit of refining – before we will get it right. It requires us to re-assess our position and begin again.

In Michael Jordan’s words “I have failed many times and that is why I succeed.” So in order to be good at what you do it will take a bit of work, there will be many red lights and green ones but if we keep focused there will be one green that remains green…eventually.

Embrace failure knowing that it allows you to learn much needed lesson that will get you to where you need to be.

Here we go:

  1. Reassess the method to your madness. We all have that, it is a must. If there is no definitive method or blueprint then rest assured whatever you are trying to achieve will not take place. When we have ideas or dreams we need to plan and then execute. See where your plan might have fallen off alignment with your dreams and ideas and start again. It is easy to lose focus of your fundamentals because of many possibilities that are thrown at you. Return to the core of your beliefs and re-plan and then execute (again). I find most times if we lose sight of the essence of who we are then most times our plans are foiled.
  2. Focus on you. Often times we get side-tracked by looking over the neighbour’s yard thinking their grass greener. There is a quote that says the grass is green wherever you water it. Are you watering your grass? Never compare your achievements with others and always remember the heights of great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight… keep focused on your plans, believe in yourself and believe in your dreams.
  3. Surround yourself with like-minded support. Know that you will be given purpose partners who are there to help you along the way. Make sure they have legitimately been where you are trying to go. I remember my pastor once telling me about Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. Understand that we wear many masks and so be careful that whomever you are surrounded by is for you. Build your team but be mindful of each person.
  4. Give Back. Make sure in your planning you address the need to give back. Whether to your immediate family (if they are in need) or your community. Whomever or whatever area there is a need ensure that you are a part of whatever it takes to fill the gap. GIVE BACK. Our reason for living is not just about us but most importantly others.
  5. Operate from a place of love. Even when we feel slighted or unappreciated, understand that love conquers everything, love dispels the worst situation. Love brings out the best in (mostly) everyone. Love creates trust and just that overall feeling that helps us to operate optimally. Live Love.

We believe that if each of us incorporate the above points in starting over then we will each achieve added benefit personally as well as towards our goals.

Let us know how it is going for you. Send us an email at

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