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Heal You First/You cannot help if you do not.

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If you are anything like I use to be (and still am to an extent, because I accept my imperfections) then you will understand when I say one of life’s difficulties is talking about those dark secrets or those challenges or experiences we have had to deal with…and that is why we have so many broken souls walking around, unhealed, yet trying to help.
This week I would like us to identify one experience we may be carrying around and are afraid to share, for fear of being stigmatized or ostracized. I want us to begin releasing the hurt or fear of that experience so we can start the process of healing ourselves. We heal when we face those fears and understand that they do not define us, instead, they allow us to become better for ourselves and others. It is in healing ourselves on the inside (because guess what we are always good on the outside) that we will be able to help someone who is waiting, just for us. Begin your healing through sharing. – it is time!

|You know what you need to do
| You must do it
| Then all will be well

There are “some” things that you have control over. Your life will not change if you do not make the change. It starts with you. Begin to HEAL.

Fifteen Quotes For The Woman In You

1. Talk is cheap, Action is far better
2. Looking for a Role Model? How about yourself in 5 years. Set your goals.
3. What others think about you is immaterial; more importantly is what you are thinking about yourself.
4. Get up each day with the aim of impacting lives.
5. Do not change for anyone but yourself
6. There is one person that believes in you.
7. Smile, it’s the healthiest thing you can do for you.
8. Let people see their own possibilities in you.
9. Be a good message through the things you do.
10. It is possible to be beautiful, with brains and a successful life.
11. Let’s not sugar coat reality, but let us rise above it.
12. Speak only when you need to, keep them guessing
13. All things are possible with the right motives
14. Let your hair down, it is okay
15. Do not take offense, It is not worth it.

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