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Shy? Get over it by doing this.

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How does one overcome being “shy”-

Decide to do – then prepare, prepare,prepare.

I think that a lot of women battle with this one thing – Shy to the point that they watch their dreams fly through the window every time they should make a move and are unable to. I will be the first to shout THAT WAS ME!
Does one conquer this all together? I don’t think so, we just need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable (shy),  a popular saying which is easier said than done.
Here’s the thing: It takes focus and consistency and the willpower to do the thing(s) we dread most but it is possible.
…once you prepare you have solved 90% of the problem
As an adult it was difficult for me to stand in front of a crowd and yet I use to have to do it occasionally and most people would never know how deep my shyness ran. I think I overcompensated with other things that I cannot pinpoint now, but I must have been doing that because like I said most people I know would raise an eyebrow at this utterance or not 😊. Anyway to avoid rambling I am just saying whatever you fear just go for it, just prepare for it, once you prepare you have solved 90% of the problem. Volunteer as much as you can in instances where you would have otherwise shied away. Just do it and do it consistently and soon you will begin to get comfortable with being uncomfortable! 😊
You should see me now.

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