
Only The brave lives authentically

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Photo by chelsea ferenando on Unsplash.

Hi Beyond Women, hope your year continues to be smashing.

One of the hard topics that we hope to bring greater awareness to, is the matter of becoming brave so that we can live authentically. TheBeyondWoman understands that it is not an easy place to get to for various reasons.

  • Perhaps you are not ready.
  • There are trust issues.
  • The absence of a forum conducive to opening up.
  • Perhaps because others are involved you may need to tread delicately.
  • Fear of many thins, top of the list – being judged
  • No longer accepted and many others.

We understand and we appreciate whatever your situation may be, what we do know for sure is that only the brave lives authentically. That is just the reality.

It takes a lot for us to begin to face our truths. And we believe that oftentimes the truth not only sets us free, but, also others. Speaking the truth allows everyone to live their truth.

There is a story of a mother who always felt the need to be in touch with her daughter, even when there was nothing to talk about. There was just this need to be in touch. And so they would spend a lot of time on the phone in uncomfortable silence. She later realized that it did not make sense. She was causing undue stress (to herself and her daughter) because she was afraid to be alone (truth). She made her daughter responsible for her happiness (truth).

Bottom-line she realized her situation/feelings were putting a strain on their relationship. She had a conversation with her daughter, releasing them both from that obligation and now their relationship has grown stronger.

The truth is, our own inadequacies causes us to live a life that not only harms us but harm others. Our inability to speak up and do something about us causes more harm than good.

Speaking up requires us to be brave.

In order to move to authentic living as women we are required to be brave with ourselves, families, spouses, children, employers, employees – pretty much everyone that we have a relationship with. We must be able to not only connect with our true selves behind closed doors but that truth has to be also present in every part of our circumstances. The people around us must accept what allows us to operate at a level that will benefit all around.

What we also know is that every good move that we make requires time, thinking and formulating a plan that will allow us to begin to live. So in the story above, the mother needs to reconnect with her old friends and develop a daily plan of activities (if necessary) to help her through each day.

The journey to becoming brave requires support and we are more than willing to help. Let us know.

We want all our women to start living authentically and remember none of us is perfect.

We want to introduce you to – its a great go-to for awesome reads to educate, encourage, inspire, allow you to think differently etc. Read this short 2 min write up on #BecomingBrave

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