Beast Mode your way to Success

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Beast Mode your way to Success

Photo by Jaco Pretorius on Unsplash

I know, I know, when you hear the term “beast mode” it sounds far from attractive or anything a “lady” or woman should do. But let me assure before you are done reading you will understand why many of us need to beast mode our way through life. Socialisation is a helluva thing that contributes to some women having to fight a never ending battle to stay on track.

If you are anything like me who at this moment would much rather be in bed than around a laptop clicking away at the keyboard, then you understand perfectly how fighting to keep myself motivated is a must. The one who has so many ideas yet so many of them wane before they get a chance to become…without going into further details… without getting into the heavy stuff that causes sighs, let me share with you some ideas of mine on reasons why I think women like myself (unless you get into beast mode like I did) will most likely fail.

  • We are not wired to succeed, we are wired to question ourselves every step of the way…We do not believe in ourselves and our abilities. Everything starts with self belief.
  • We are socialized into the comfort zone and wanting to see and feel and hear and taste the tangible. Can I say we have little faith? We do not embrace the unknown and so we  have to work against all odds … to “out brain”… and transform our brain to know that it is okay to go after that which we are unable to see or feel or touch. It’s a struggle and I would never tell anyone that it is easy … but you gots to do it.
  • Inability to leave our comfort zone – leaving my comfort zone has been the hardest thing for me. But it has also been the most exhilarating… it’s good that I had the financial support that allowed me to do what was in my heart. Make sure you have a plan, it is a must.

When I set out to do the magazine I didn’t know I would want to have a media company. That is why I encourage women who have a burning desire to do more and be more TO JUST START. I am not saying leave your job unless you have the support, and even then think real hard because giving up your financial independence can also be a hard transition, but start where you are with what you have.

I believe when you start automatically it opens you to new levels of thinking (maybe thats the beast survivor mode that’s kicking in). Be passionate about your undertaking and it will reflect in what you do and attract the right people to help you. You will learn things you never knew before because automatically you realise Google is your new bff

You ABSOLUTELY MUST strengthen your relationship with the creator because you understand it’s you and him … dependency becomes the order of the day, as a matter of fact that alone takes you to another level… but start where you are. Nothing happens when you stay stuck wishing and hoping.

So with that said here are 3 tips to beast mode your way to success

  1. Get absorbed with your Why – your why is your reason for doing what you do and also what will allow you to persist through to the end (success). It should be strong and compelling, allowing you to stay focused and motivated about your undertaking. This is what drives you into unmistakable action like having a dream and waking up in the middle of the night to write it down. Or simply put, your why makes you do the things you do not want to – which leads me to the next point.
  2. Face everything you fear – this can no longer hold you back, make a commitment with yourself to do the things that drives terror within you. Believe me you will realise that there is nothing to fear after you step out once. Facing your fear allows life to become exhilarating, it will give you a rush. Take it from me I have been there…this turned me into a beast.
  3. Get healthy you will need the energy – this is a ‘biggie’ – when you think beast what does it conjure mentally? “enuff said”. If you have no energy then it makes no sense, on the days when your mental energy falls short, your physical energy will do double shift. Take care of yourself, exercise, eat right, get enough rest so that clarity of mind and alertness which are essential for the beast mode mentality ARE YOURS.

Now that you get my drift, what is your plan? Are you joining the women who are adopting a beast mode mentality or will you stay stuck!

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