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5 Benefits of Stepping Back – A note from Our Founder

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A retreat from someone or something isn’t unusual. Just as how you edge closer to see better, at times you may need to take a step back to get a clearer view.” ― Rajuda

Sorry I am just getting to this but better late than never and also, please, forgive me 🙂 Recently I was reminded of one of my very first posts on my personal blog entitled “Back To Basics” and it aptly describes how I am feeling in this moment. Whether it is nostalgia or simply because we have begun a new year , I have no clue – but, it is a moment that I am in.

Do you believe the New Year calls for a re-assessment of one’s progress/priority/accomplishments/failures etc? I truly believe it does but not only should we use this time (new year) in particular for a re-assessment of our position, but we should do this at different times within the year. A time when we step back and take a bird’s-eye view of all our actions and pro-activity at different intervals. It calls for us to step back and seriously and honestly assess where we are and whether or not we need to change course or carry on.

Oftentimes I compare myself to a successful business. A bit unconventional? I suppose I should be using a successful individual as a benchmark — “apples & apples” just might be what it is called. I beg to differ, I prefer unconventional just as how I prefer men’s company over female…O Boy and she founded TheBeyondWoman – how can she say such a thing. Forgive my nuances, love me or don’t, it is who I am. I still am one of the biggest woman’s advocate you will find!!!

Anyway, let me not get carried away here… so I oftentimes use a successful company as a benchmark. I think about the different strategies that the company employs to get them to where they need to be. They “step back” periodically (most times quarterly) throughout the year along with their managers to do their business assessment or quarterly review. THEY DISCUSS WHERE THE ARE CURRENTLY AGAINST WHERE THEY NEED TO BE AND WHERE THEY NEED TO GO… and I try to do the same.

So how do we benefit from stepping back? Here are 5 with a bonus.

  1. Gives a bird’s eye view of where you are.
  2. Allows you to be honest with yourself (is this for me/not for me).
  3. It allows you to correct errors before they get out of hand.
  4. Allows you to capitalise on opportunities available.
  5. Keeps you focused on your goals.
  6. Bonus: Allows you to feel satisfied at the end of the year in question.

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi

I want to share with you one of the premise upon which I operate and it is that my success does not come from the outcome or performance of any given idea or product. It comes from the process leading up to the end result. Between the beginning and any outcome are some hard things – getting up and going at it everyday, perseverance, commitment, intentionality – there are challenges to overcome – there is blood, sweat and tears and no, discipline will not be named here. And the biggie for me (drum roll please) is “stepping back”!

So will you join me in stepping back at different intervals during this year? Let us together make it a year that is phenomenal, magical, outright ridiculously insane with success laced with our efforts!
Let us be accountable for each other’s success.
Send me a line at if you need support.
I am rooting for you!

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